The Business Architecture Entry Point

The Business Architecture Entry Point

Published By : Cydney McCollum April 12, 2023

Through conducting extensive client interviews, the Automation Compass team has come to understand that businesses can fall into one of three categories when it comes to their level of process improvement. To better serve our clients, we have created the Operational Excellence (OPEX) Lab,which offers three entry points that align with these categories; Business Architecture, Process Analysis, and Opportunity Tracking.

Depending on their needs and goals, clients can choose the entry point that is best suited for their business. Each entry point comes with its own set of options, tailored to meet the unique needs of the client. Ultimately, the lab enables us to understand where clients are in their process journey, and to offer them the most appropriate tools and guidance to advance their automation initiatives. Click to learn about the Opportunity Tracking and Process Analysis Entry Points.

To further understand each entry point, we have put together three seperate blogs that highlight each entry point, how to get started using Automation Compass, and how companies can get started to participate in the Operational Excellence Lab.

Let’s dive in to learning about Business Architecture.

What is Business Architecture?

Business architecture is a framework that defines the organizational structure, business processes, information flows, and capabilities required for a business to operate effectively. It provides a holistic view of the organization and its operations, enabling companies to align their strategies and objectives with their business processes, IT systems, and other resources.

Business Architecture is an essential tool for companies looking to improve their operations, optimize their systems, and achieve their strategic objectives. It provides a holistic view of the organization, enabling companies to make informed decisions, streamline processes, and stay competitive in today’s rapidly changing business environment.

**Please note that in the following description, we will use the term “Business Transformation Team” to refer to the internal team within your company that is practicing the methodology. However, the actual name of the team may differ from one company to another. 

The Business Architecture Entry Point

The Business Architecture Entry Point is ideal for teams with a holistic approach to improving company outcomes and a strong focus on business strategy and architecture.

The Business Transformation team adopts a comprehensive approach to drive enhancements of the company’s processes, efficiency, and overall performance. They may use various holistic artifacts such as:  

  • Value Chains 
  • Value streams 
  • Customer Journey, and/or Capability Maps  
  • etc. 

to evaluate the company’s current state and identify areas for improvement. By connecting these artifacts to processes and stages, the team can determine which processes need improvement to achieve desired outcomes. Additionally, they establish company-wide metrics, indicators, and goals to guide improvement programs.

For Business Architecture Driven companies, there are several starting points in Automation Compass depending on your company’s maturity. 

Get Started in Automation Compass

**If your company does not already have an Automation Compass account, navigate to our Automation Compass website to follow along with steps or you can request a demo here.

If your company has established organizational goals or targets for process improvement, you can begin capturing them in the North Star module

  • If your company has a holistic artifact, such as a value chain or value stream, you can use the capability map to represent it. The elements created in the capability map will automatically create a value chain. Alternatively, you can just use level 1 capabilities to represent a value stream. 
  • If your company has multiple holistic artifacts, we recommend using the one that represents the entire company, has the most data available, and can be linked to the processes. 
  • You can use the capability map to represent your company’s process taxonomy, framework, or classification. Assign level 1 capabilities to the highest level in the process framework and level 2 capabilities to the second level. Keep attaching capabilities until you reach the process, then connect each process to specific capabilities. 
  • If your company has identified its capabilities or has a capability map, you can easily import or create it in Automation Compass. 
  • After importing the existing elements, you can analyze them to drive actionable insights.

Video Tutorial

If you would like to see the starting points in action, please watch our video tutorial here.

How the Entry Points Work Together

While each entry point has its unique focus, the categories are not exclusive to one another. In fact, companies may find themselves leveraging two of these entry points at the same time.

Business Architecture + Opportunity Tracking

From Business Architecture to Opportunity Tracking

If you are using a business architecture approach to drive process improvements, consider integrating opportunity tracking into your methodology. One effective way to do this is to track the opportunities generated during your analysis in the company’s capability map. By doing so, you can identify which capabilities require further improvement efforts and which ones already have improvement ideas in place.

From Opportunity Tracking to Business Architecture

On the other hand, when prioritizing opportunities, you may want to consider prioritizing those that are linked to the capability map and are aligned with the company’s goals. This approach allows you to focus less on areas that are already excelling and more on those that can help improve capabilities that are underperforming.

Business Architecture + Process Analysis

From Business Architecture to Process Analysis

If you start with a top-to-bottom approach, you’ll need to focus on the capabilities that require more attention and have processes attached to them. You’ll have to conduct a more thorough process analysis to determine how to enhance the capability and prioritize which processes to analyze first.

Once you have identified the processes to improve, you can then carry out discovery and simulation.

From Process Analysis to Business Architecture

On the other hand, if you start from the bottom and need to analyze a specific process, you can determine whether that process belongs to a capability that requires improvement. This approach can assist you in prioritizing your efforts more effectively.

What to Expect in the OPEX Lab

Reminder, these steps are what you can expect to see depending on your entry point and your level of process improvement maturity.

The Automation Compass Team will…

  • Collect any Business Artifacts, such as Process Framework / Customer Journey Maps / Value Chains / Value Streams / Business Architecture from your company
  • Create a customized process improvement project based on your company’s level of process improvement maturity. 
  • Review, refine, and develop your processes based on your business needs. 
  • Analyze the artifacts to identify areas for process improvement. 
  • Creation of as-is and to-be process documentation delivered via Blueworks Live maps and imported into Automation Compass 
  • Prioritization of improvement opportunities in Automation Compass. 
  • Creation of a Business Case for the opportunities based on your business goals. 
  • Training from Expert Process Analysts on the tools the lab provides throughout the duration of the project 

Lab Resources

By participating in the Operational Excellence lab, companies can access a wide range of resources that will help accelerate their process transformation journey and achieve their goals faster and more efficiently. The Lab resources include:

  • Automation Compass Tool
  • Training on the Automation Compass Tool
  • Training on IBM Blueworks Live
  • Work side by side with an Expert Process Analyst who can help you start your journey.
  • Access and Training on Blueworks Insights

Click the following links if you would like to learn more about

OPEX Lab Exclusive Discount Offer

We want to offer you an exclusive deal to help you take your skills to the next level. In addition to the free resource the lab provides, we’re offering an incredible 60% discount off the standard program price.

Don’t miss out on this limited-time offer to transform your business. Click below to learn more and take advantage of this incredible deal today!

Get Started Today!

Businesses can greatly benefit from participating in our Operational Excellence Lab as they have the opportunity to shape the future of their own transformation process. This is an opportunity for companies to enhance their automation journey by learning and implementing automation compass as a solution that aligns your initiatives with your business goals. 

You’ll not only have exclusive access to the latest and greatest features of Automation Compass, but our team of Senior Process Analysts will work with your team directly to ensure we are providing the best foundational support for your company.

If you’re eager to get started, contact us here! Take advantage of the Opex Lab exclusive offer with heavily discounted pricing and free resources. Don’t miss out on this opportunity, inquire for more information today.

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