What is Data Capture?

What is Data Capture?

Published By : salientprocess June 21, 2023
What is data capture?

No matter your industry, companies generate massive quantities of data each day. From consumer details to financial receipts, various data types give insights into organizational performance and trends. Collecting and evaluating data is essential for company success.

Digital Business Automation technology makes it easier to analyze and organize data. Data capture is an automated tool that classifies, digests, and stores data. The tool helps organizations optimize data usage and creates more efficient daily operations. Learn more about data capture and how it can benefit your company.

Data Capture Definition

Data capture is the process of extracting data from paper or electronic documents and converting it into a computer-readable format. The machine-friendly structure makes recognizing, storing, and using data more accessible. The automatic process reduces the need for manual data entry and transfers. 

Automated data capture uses advanced technology, such as natural language processing, text analytics, and artificial intelligence (AI), to identify and digest important data. The field of Digital Business Automation is constantly expanding to feature new capabilities. As software advances, data capture increases its speed and accuracy. Organizations in all industries can benefit from its efficiency.

How Does Data Capture Work?

Data capture uses three basic steps:

  1. Data capture technology receives information from a document. Documents can include receipts, invoices, questionnaires, videos, surveys, or other reports.
  2. Data collection software classifies data based on entered criteria and filters. For instance, the software could group all receipts together. 
  3. The software then extracts essential data and digitizes it.
  4. The extracted data is stored in a centralized storage location like the cloud. Businesses use the collected data for instant insights and other processes.

Businesses can use various methods and tools to complete data capture. Most methods begin with an individual filling out a blank form with relevant information. Data capture forms have optimized structures with designated spaces and boxes, which streamline the collection process for computers. Data collection software mines the document for data and converts it to an accessible format. If businesses use physical forms, they scan the documents into computers so data capture software can analyze them.

For example, hospitals and health care facilities require patients to fill out informational forms when they arrive. A patient might record data about their date of birth, home address, medical symptoms, currently used medications, insurance information, and other details. After the organization uploads this information, data collection software extracts and organizes it into a broader patient database. The health care facility can quickly access the patient’s details while administering treatment or diagnosing them.

Benefits of Using Automated Data Capture

Benefits of using automated data capture for businesses

Automated data capture lets businesses access precise and instant data. This access provides many benefits, including:

  • Improved accuracy: Without automated data capture, organizations use manual entry and organization techniques. Employees manually enter and classify information, which is time-consuming and tedious. Manual methods are more likely to result in human errors. Data capture extracts and organizes exact data according to predefined settings, minimizing possible errors. By using accurate data, you can improve customer and user experiences.
  • Enhanced workplace conditions: Automatic data collection reduces manual workloads, letting employees focus on more fulfilling tasks instead. Repetitive data entry is monotonous and could make workers lose concentration or morale. By streamlining the process, employees could find more value in their work and improve productivity. In addition, quick data access makes it easier to complete tasks during daily operations by reducing search times and identification procedures.
  • Reduced costs: Data capture can reduce human errors, often requiring expensive fixes. A simple data error can result in incorrect treatment, financial discrepancies, miscommunications, and other mistakes. Automated data collection also eliminates the need for physical paperwork. These documents require extra storage and processing tools, which increase operational costs. A completely digital format creates a smoother and less expensive environment.
  • Increased efficiency: Digitized data is easy to access from any location or at any time. Instead of manually mining for details, employees can instantly view data. The instant access benefits all types of organizations — whether you need to view patient details or data from a sales quarter, automated data capture streamlines the retrieval process. Extracted data resides in a centralized cloud location that all authorized employees can access, letting workflows proceed smoothly.
  • Stronger security: Organizations store digital documents in secure online databases that are only available to authorized employees. Encryption and backup data keep your information secure from outside threats. In contrast, physical documents take up more office space and are harder to secure. Physical paperwork also faces risks of damage from flooding, fires, or other harmful events.

Data Collection Use Cases

All industries can benefit from increased data accessibility and efficiency. These are examples of how specific organizations could apply automated data collection to regular operations:

  • Finance: Finance organizations can use data capture to organize and retrieve clients’ financial details quickly. They could program the software to pull out specific data from client documents and organize them into user-friendly formats. Automated technology also increases accuracy, ensuring organizations manage exact financial details when helping clients or managers.
  • Inventory management: Data capture gives companies instant and precise details about inventory levels and order statuses. They can track products from manufacturing to delivery with real-time and accurate data updates. Then, companies can apply the data to identify bottlenecks or areas that need improvement. They can develop more efficient processes.
  • Health care: Data collection helps health care organizations securely store patient data. The improved accuracy assists professionals with providing personalized services for patients. They can instantly access vital patient records and use them to select treatments or provide medical recommendations.
  • Insurance: Data capture software can streamline the insurance claims process by extracting relevant and purposeful data. Insurance agents can process claims more quickly, improving client satisfaction. Rapid data location and document classification save time, resources, and expenses, improving operations on all levels.

Get Started With Data Capture With Salient Process

Automated data capture lets you access and use data more quickly. From improving employee conditions to reducing operational costs, data capture brings many advantages to organizations. If you’re ready to get started with an automated data capture solution, choose Salient Process today.

Our Data Capture software solution streamlines data extraction, boosting efficiency and accuracy across your organization. Enhance your documentation procedures with natural language processing, AI capabilities, and other advanced technology. Our unique and personalized approach helps companies craft the optimal automated solution tailored to your needs. We align your business goals with our technology to build the customized solution you need. 

To get started with Salient Process, contact us today.

Get started with Data Capture automation with Salient Process